Each open trace in TuningFork is called a feed. Multiple feeds can be opened for overall comparison. If multiple feeds that overlap in time are opened, it is possible to perform time correlation analysis.

The Feed Group Explorer is the primary mechanism for defining new streams and opening figures. When you select or multi-select nodes of the FeedExplorer, right-clicking pops up a menu of operations that are supported for the selection. Options include defining new Streams and viewing the Streams in a Figure. Double-clicking on a node performs the default action for that node. One or more Streams may be dragged and dropped into open Figures to cause them to be added to the visualization. There is currently no way to remove a Stream from a Figure.

The top node in the Feed Group Explorer is the  Figures node. This node collects all of the Predefined Figures that are available for the Feeds currently loaded in the Feed Group Explorer. A predefined figure is simply a way of providing groupings of streams that an expert thinks are interesting/useful to view when analyzing a feed. Predefined figures are supplied by plugins based on the Feed's Event Type Space and other meta-data. Each loaded feed is represented by a node in the Feed Explorer. The main elements under each Feed in the Feed Group Explorer are:

The Steams node expands into a tree of all the Streams that have been defined in the feed. Streams may be either defined directly from events in the feed, or may be derived by applying functions to other Streams. Many Stream nodes have a  Statistics child node that can be expanded to display basic statistics about the Stream. Exactly which statistics are computed depends on the type of the Stream. For derived Streams, the Stream explorer shows the operator and input Streams.
 Trace Events
Under the Trace Events node, you can see all the kinds of events that are defined in the feed. For each event type, you can see its name and the names, types and descriptions of all of the data values of an event instance of that type.
Under the Feedlets node, you can see all of the Feedlets in the Feed. Under each feedlet you can see its id and any other properties associated with it by its containing Feed
Traces are intended to be as self-describing as possible, since a persistent problem with trace recording is that one forgets the conditions under which the trace was made. The trace properties contain such information as the hardware, software, and networking environment under which the trace was gathered.